Saturday, January 29, 2011


ITS SO CRAZY how life turns out!
I went out today to get a few additional items for my work closet, and right as Im waiting for an available dressing room I see JORDAN.

I should explain who JOrdan is.
Freshman year of college, I used to hang out with Marque and Jordan, a random black guy and his random white roommate who lived in the dorm across from me.

I hadnt seen Jordan since freshman year, cuz he changed schools, and it was just SO WEIRD cuz it made me realize how many RANDOM people I know in different places in their lives. And to run into a friend from HUntsville (2008) in Austin (2011). Its also really cool having that "Hows Life going?" conversation.

LAst year about February, I was at HEB in Austin at like midnight with a friend, and I ran into JOsh, my mentor from freshman year, who also left the University.

SO I guess I have to keep my eyes open around here.

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