In the last few weeks of my internship, I had to write a 12 paged paper as part of my assignment to receive 9 credit hours from my university. I mean, it only makes sense that after working 50-60hr weeks since January, that I be able to come up with a measly 12 pages to chronicle the journey. I can say without a doubt, that I am a better person for this internship.Don't get me wrong, there were difficult moments when I delayed purchasing a new toothpaste for as long as humanly possible because my funds were just that low. THere were moments where I just felt like I was gonna break or explode if I didn't say the things that were on my mind, and moments where I just felt *lost*. But through it all, there was a force stronger than I could ever be, pushing me to do more than I want to, and be be more than I'd like to be. Thank you Lord. Couldn't have made it without you.
In my essay writing and reflections, I came to the conclusion that I truly did have an amazing experience. I was exposed to so much, and unlike some people, I took a lot of those opportunities to meet people, have conversations and make friends.
Some of the things I've Learned:
1. Take care of your responsibility and then help someone else out (Kinda like in the airplane safety)
2. Treat everyone very well. You never know who is who, and even more so, you never know who's gonna remember and mention a good treatment.
3. Its okay to talk about a problem, but when you talk about it with no real solution, and do it over and over and over again, it just frustrates you.
4. Say YEs, often. You'll have fun, make memories, but do NOT compromise who you are.
5. Plan your outfit the night before, It JUST makes the morning a lot easier!
6. Always have gum, you never know when you (or even more importantly, Someone ELSE) will need it.
LOL! I cant think of anything else at this exact moment that would make sense to a non Lege person.