Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Dont ever FORGET what He did for you
I get as frustrated with people as the next person, and sometimes more than the next person. One of my dear friends once told me, "You canNOT hold people to the same standards that you hold yourself" and as I nodded, I thought to myself, WHY NOT? I used to have the opinion that if people were choosing to be in your life, then they should JUST DO WHAT YOU WANT!
Clearly, as God often shows me, I am WRONG, again!
Its definitely been taking some getting used to, this whole growing up thing. Being able to admit that I am wrong and that some of the things I just "KNEW" to be true a few months ago are in fact, false, unbiblical and pretty selfish.
The Main POint of this post though, is about FORGIVENESS! I was at Singles bible study a few weeks ago and a young couple was speaking about a few things and the husband mentioned something that definitely stuck with me. He said Marriage is about Love and Commitment and all that, YES, but it is also grounded very strongly on forgiveness. For those who dont believe, thing about how frustrating ANY kind of relationship is with a person who somehow remembers EVERY wrong thing you ever did. It is like they want you to be perfect (which you arent)and PUNISH you for ever instance when you are not. His argument was built around the fact that we WILL mess up in our relationships, and we will be offended by other people, but the Heart to forgive is SO important to heal from those hurts.
A famous quote say to Err is Human, but to Forgive is Divine.
DIVINE, huh? Like from Above...Like from Heaven. Which is my real point. John 3:16 which we all love to quote reminds us of God's Love which is so great that he gave his son that we may have life. The reason that Love is SO MIND blowing is that we do NOT deserve it. I mean, its like if you go to work and earn a wage, getting that text message that you got paid is not MINDblowing, its EXPECTED. But if you called in sick everyday for a month and you got paid, OR you quit a job and they still kept paying you, You'd be confused and EXCITED.
The reason we do not deserve God's love is that we are UNWORTHY, filthy and sinful creatures and we do NOT deserve the MAGNIFICIENT Love of a PERFECT, JUST God! We just DON'T! We cannot! Our "righteousness" like a filthy rag! BUT though our SINS, MY SINS, my lust, my lies, my pride, my envy, my malice....may be as scarlet they shall be white as snow Isaiah 1:18. No wonder we are referred to as Saints in the New Testament.
Anyway, when we harbor Unforgiveness in our heart about the wrongs that people have done us, REMEMBER your wrongs are MUCH GREATER and much worse. And HE forgave YOU!
So be joyful and show mercy unto others, its not really about them!
One little anecdote before I end this post:
A few years ago, a friend really hurt my feelings once, at the time I even referred to it as breaking my heart (now, I think I was probably a bit dramatic). I held on to it for awhile! And it took me TOO long to forgive and then furthermore to forget. Anyway, on a random weekend, the Lord put it on my heart to let this go, and stop holding on to the pain cuz it was really hurting me. And I made the decision to let it go and be DONE! And less than a week later, I get the most RANDOM text from this guy asking for my forgiveness for his actions years ago! I mean, WHAT WERE the chances, and I responded that I appreciate the apology, but forgiveness had already happened. So the message there is FORGIVE people, EVEN if they haven't asked for it.
Clearly, as God often shows me, I am WRONG, again!
Its definitely been taking some getting used to, this whole growing up thing. Being able to admit that I am wrong and that some of the things I just "KNEW" to be true a few months ago are in fact, false, unbiblical and pretty selfish.
The Main POint of this post though, is about FORGIVENESS! I was at Singles bible study a few weeks ago and a young couple was speaking about a few things and the husband mentioned something that definitely stuck with me. He said Marriage is about Love and Commitment and all that, YES, but it is also grounded very strongly on forgiveness. For those who dont believe, thing about how frustrating ANY kind of relationship is with a person who somehow remembers EVERY wrong thing you ever did. It is like they want you to be perfect (which you arent)and PUNISH you for ever instance when you are not. His argument was built around the fact that we WILL mess up in our relationships, and we will be offended by other people, but the Heart to forgive is SO important to heal from those hurts.
A famous quote say to Err is Human, but to Forgive is Divine.
DIVINE, huh? Like from Above...Like from Heaven. Which is my real point. John 3:16 which we all love to quote reminds us of God's Love which is so great that he gave his son that we may have life. The reason that Love is SO MIND blowing is that we do NOT deserve it. I mean, its like if you go to work and earn a wage, getting that text message that you got paid is not MINDblowing, its EXPECTED. But if you called in sick everyday for a month and you got paid, OR you quit a job and they still kept paying you, You'd be confused and EXCITED.
The reason we do not deserve God's love is that we are UNWORTHY, filthy and sinful creatures and we do NOT deserve the MAGNIFICIENT Love of a PERFECT, JUST God! We just DON'T! We cannot! Our "righteousness" like a filthy rag! BUT though our SINS, MY SINS, my lust, my lies, my pride, my envy, my malice....may be as scarlet they shall be white as snow Isaiah 1:18. No wonder we are referred to as Saints in the New Testament.
Anyway, when we harbor Unforgiveness in our heart about the wrongs that people have done us, REMEMBER your wrongs are MUCH GREATER and much worse. And HE forgave YOU!
So be joyful and show mercy unto others, its not really about them!
One little anecdote before I end this post:
A few years ago, a friend really hurt my feelings once, at the time I even referred to it as breaking my heart (now, I think I was probably a bit dramatic). I held on to it for awhile! And it took me TOO long to forgive and then furthermore to forget. Anyway, on a random weekend, the Lord put it on my heart to let this go, and stop holding on to the pain cuz it was really hurting me. And I made the decision to let it go and be DONE! And less than a week later, I get the most RANDOM text from this guy asking for my forgiveness for his actions years ago! I mean, WHAT WERE the chances, and I responded that I appreciate the apology, but forgiveness had already happened. So the message there is FORGIVE people, EVEN if they haven't asked for it.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Letter from God Part2
I apologize for not posting the rest of this up sooner.
I am able to do more for you and rejoice over you. I am so happy about how my Son has redeemed your life that I sing songs of love over you(Zephaniah 3:17). Listen to the song I am singing and you will know how much I love you.
I am not unaware of the battle against you, a battle between light and darkness. Let me fight your battle. Let me keep you sade, but you must keep close to me. I have won the bathe for your life with My Son, so you should never allow regrets of your past to be tools in Satan’s hands to defeat you, as I have already conquered them. You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence and I will not cease in victory until I have purified and perfected you because I will not let you settle for less than Me. (Philippians 1:6)
You cannot do it alone (John 15:5); I never created you to be able to. Realize today that restoration is your portion from Me. I restore your soul; your heart, your emotions, your puriy, and every other part of your life (Psalms 23:3)
Let me restore you today. Let me elevate your body of death and let me transform your mind. Let me love you. I love you now. I love you then, I love you forever. Come to me
God, The All Sufficient One.
I am able to do more for you and rejoice over you. I am so happy about how my Son has redeemed your life that I sing songs of love over you(Zephaniah 3:17). Listen to the song I am singing and you will know how much I love you.
I am not unaware of the battle against you, a battle between light and darkness. Let me fight your battle. Let me keep you sade, but you must keep close to me. I have won the bathe for your life with My Son, so you should never allow regrets of your past to be tools in Satan’s hands to defeat you, as I have already conquered them. You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence and I will not cease in victory until I have purified and perfected you because I will not let you settle for less than Me. (Philippians 1:6)
You cannot do it alone (John 15:5); I never created you to be able to. Realize today that restoration is your portion from Me. I restore your soul; your heart, your emotions, your puriy, and every other part of your life (Psalms 23:3)
Let me restore you today. Let me elevate your body of death and let me transform your mind. Let me love you. I love you now. I love you then, I love you forever. Come to me
God, The All Sufficient One.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Random blog about missing people
You ever get that text from someone, a girl or guy friend saying "Miss me?" Well, I don't know about the rest of the 9billion people hanging around earth, but that is always so weird to me. It takes a LOT for me to actually MISS someone. Maybe its because I have a number of long distance friendships and I am used to not seeing people.
I mean, when I lived with my college roommate during the school year, and we'd go home for breaks, or when I moved to Austin for my internship, YEA I missed her, and I would hit her up and be like, DUDE, I MISS YOU IN MY LIFE. But other than that, If I dont see you OFTEN and you say you miss me, I'll just smile politely and say, aww, thats sweet! #FairWarning
I mean, when I lived with my college roommate during the school year, and we'd go home for breaks, or when I moved to Austin for my internship, YEA I missed her, and I would hit her up and be like, DUDE, I MISS YOU IN MY LIFE. But other than that, If I dont see you OFTEN and you say you miss me, I'll just smile politely and say, aww, thats sweet! #FairWarning
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Reflections of a Legislative Intern.
In the last few weeks of my internship, I had to write a 12 paged paper as part of my assignment to receive 9 credit hours from my university. I mean, it only makes sense that after working 50-60hr weeks since January, that I be able to come up with a measly 12 pages to chronicle the journey. I can say without a doubt, that I am a better person for this internship.Don't get me wrong, there were difficult moments when I delayed purchasing a new toothpaste for as long as humanly possible because my funds were just that low. THere were moments where I just felt like I was gonna break or explode if I didn't say the things that were on my mind, and moments where I just felt *lost*. But through it all, there was a force stronger than I could ever be, pushing me to do more than I want to, and be be more than I'd like to be. Thank you Lord. Couldn't have made it without you.
In my essay writing and reflections, I came to the conclusion that I truly did have an amazing experience. I was exposed to so much, and unlike some people, I took a lot of those opportunities to meet people, have conversations and make friends.
Some of the things I've Learned:
1. Take care of your responsibility and then help someone else out (Kinda like in the airplane safety)
2. Treat everyone very well. You never know who is who, and even more so, you never know who's gonna remember and mention a good treatment.
3. Its okay to talk about a problem, but when you talk about it with no real solution, and do it over and over and over again, it just frustrates you.
4. Say YEs, often. You'll have fun, make memories, but do NOT compromise who you are.
5. Plan your outfit the night before, It JUST makes the morning a lot easier!
6. Always have gum, you never know when you (or even more importantly, Someone ELSE) will need it.
LOL! I cant think of anything else at this exact moment that would make sense to a non Lege person.
In my essay writing and reflections, I came to the conclusion that I truly did have an amazing experience. I was exposed to so much, and unlike some people, I took a lot of those opportunities to meet people, have conversations and make friends.
Some of the things I've Learned:
1. Take care of your responsibility and then help someone else out (Kinda like in the airplane safety)
2. Treat everyone very well. You never know who is who, and even more so, you never know who's gonna remember and mention a good treatment.
3. Its okay to talk about a problem, but when you talk about it with no real solution, and do it over and over and over again, it just frustrates you.
4. Say YEs, often. You'll have fun, make memories, but do NOT compromise who you are.
5. Plan your outfit the night before, It JUST makes the morning a lot easier!
6. Always have gum, you never know when you (or even more importantly, Someone ELSE) will need it.
LOL! I cant think of anything else at this exact moment that would make sense to a non Lege person.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
So I'm officially mind blown because God just dropped a word in my heart while on the phone with a friend.
We were talking about how God doesn't stop loving us because of our actions, then his love would not be unconditional. His Unconditional Love is not dependent on even the condition of our hearts. Now, don't misunderstand me because there is a difference between experiencing the Love of God and the gifts of obedience to God. (I'm gonna let that one simmer)
Now the real point I Want to make is that we live in this world, learn in this world, go to school in this world, work in this world, and everything in between. And in this world SIn is NOT all equal. FOr example. A guy shoots 10 people in the airport randomly, he CERTAINLY will not be punished equally to a 13yr old girl who steals her teacher's favorite pen because she likes the way it writes. <----This is the world we live in.
In this world people like Oprah and Angelina Jolie do good things and are therefore good, but not in the eyes of God.
HEre is what blows my mind. The truth is, when we become saved, we are still living and breathing in this world and like someone who has spent the last 15 or 20 or whatever number of years living in one world, it becomes EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and pretty much impossible for us to adjust to a life where we understand that SIN EQUALS SIN, but God loves us despite it all. See, in our world we can forgive someone who lies about where they were last night quicker than someone who murder's one's kid or plans the robbery of your store. IN Gods world, its all equal, but when we repent its ALL DISMISSED. In our world, if someone throws your toy on the floor but gives your $50 to replace it, we're ALL Good, In God's world, Good works do not equal a repentant heart. BUT, because we continue to live in this world, experiencing Gods world will be challenging UNTIL we Learn to do as Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Im sorry to everyone to whom this is redundant, but it really just blew my mind. Renewed mind is not a commandment because God just FEELS like it, but he understands that it is the ONLY way we can truly grasp the essence of HIS LOVE!
We were talking about how God doesn't stop loving us because of our actions, then his love would not be unconditional. His Unconditional Love is not dependent on even the condition of our hearts. Now, don't misunderstand me because there is a difference between experiencing the Love of God and the gifts of obedience to God. (I'm gonna let that one simmer)
Now the real point I Want to make is that we live in this world, learn in this world, go to school in this world, work in this world, and everything in between. And in this world SIn is NOT all equal. FOr example. A guy shoots 10 people in the airport randomly, he CERTAINLY will not be punished equally to a 13yr old girl who steals her teacher's favorite pen because she likes the way it writes. <----This is the world we live in.
In this world people like Oprah and Angelina Jolie do good things and are therefore good, but not in the eyes of God.
HEre is what blows my mind. The truth is, when we become saved, we are still living and breathing in this world and like someone who has spent the last 15 or 20 or whatever number of years living in one world, it becomes EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and pretty much impossible for us to adjust to a life where we understand that SIN EQUALS SIN, but God loves us despite it all. See, in our world we can forgive someone who lies about where they were last night quicker than someone who murder's one's kid or plans the robbery of your store. IN Gods world, its all equal, but when we repent its ALL DISMISSED. In our world, if someone throws your toy on the floor but gives your $50 to replace it, we're ALL Good, In God's world, Good works do not equal a repentant heart. BUT, because we continue to live in this world, experiencing Gods world will be challenging UNTIL we Learn to do as Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Im sorry to everyone to whom this is redundant, but it really just blew my mind. Renewed mind is not a commandment because God just FEELS like it, but he understands that it is the ONLY way we can truly grasp the essence of HIS LOVE!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
I've been thinking a lot about relationships. Who will I be friends with after graduation?? Will it be like high school where I still communicate with ONE PERSON? (I pray not). It is becoming even more real to me since Im spending my last semester in school working an internship, almost 200miles from where I spent the last 3.5yrs of my life building relationships. It's really putting some of my friendships in perspective. Who is IN THIS for the long run, who even cares??
I took the Greyhound to a Research Conference presentation in Huntsville this past week,and right before getting on my connecting bus in Houston, I was listening to some people's conversations. I was riding the bus for 1.5hrs and would be at my destination, a man behind was heading to Los Angeles, a few people to Dallas, a woman in the seat next to me COnroe, TX (20minutes before my destination.) BUt surprisingly, we were ALL on the same bus. It made me think some about life and relationships.
We may all be on the same bus, but we don't have the same destinations, and half of the story is knowing who is going the distance with you and cultivating THOSE relationships, BUT also, building those bonds with some of the people who may NOT be going the same distance you are, helps keep life in perspective.
ON THE OTHER END OF THINGS! To truly be successful in our relationships, how ever many each person decides to cultivate, it is CRITICAL to be INTENTIONAL about friendships. In the first stages of friendship, at least in my experience, it is not as critical to be intentional, because it sometimes leads to a FORCED friendship, but after the foundation has been set up, then, when you move, or graduate, or start doing whatever with your life, chilling till 4a.m. in the dorm lobby doesn't just happen. Plans MUST be made.
I took the Greyhound to a Research Conference presentation in Huntsville this past week,and right before getting on my connecting bus in Houston, I was listening to some people's conversations. I was riding the bus for 1.5hrs and would be at my destination, a man behind was heading to Los Angeles, a few people to Dallas, a woman in the seat next to me COnroe, TX (20minutes before my destination.) BUt surprisingly, we were ALL on the same bus. It made me think some about life and relationships.
We may all be on the same bus, but we don't have the same destinations, and half of the story is knowing who is going the distance with you and cultivating THOSE relationships, BUT also, building those bonds with some of the people who may NOT be going the same distance you are, helps keep life in perspective.
ON THE OTHER END OF THINGS! To truly be successful in our relationships, how ever many each person decides to cultivate, it is CRITICAL to be INTENTIONAL about friendships. In the first stages of friendship, at least in my experience, it is not as critical to be intentional, because it sometimes leads to a FORCED friendship, but after the foundation has been set up, then, when you move, or graduate, or start doing whatever with your life, chilling till 4a.m. in the dorm lobby doesn't just happen. Plans MUST be made.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Troy's a loner and Ayo doesnt like hugs.
I found out about the 5 love languages a few years ago, and I thoroughly enjoy telling my friends about it, because it sorta opens up a whole new world and insight on their relationships.
SO, it was 3a.m. and we (myself, Nulia and Troy) had just gotten back from 6th Street, and started randomly talking about the difference between Men and women and some of the communication roadblocks.
Of course I didn't come up with the 5 love languages, Dr Gary Chapman did, and is making a lot of money on his book on the topic.
The central idea is though that most people have their preferred manner of being shown love, The five listed include
Acts of Service,
Physical Touch,
Quality Time,
Words of Affirmation.
I personally think that it is REALLY important to know how the people you love, friends family and whatnot communicate their love because its like a real language. If a guy is a dating a girl who is a Words of Affirmation person, and he keeps buying her gifts, because that's his language, he may think he is communicating his love, but he might not be understood. It'd be like speaking to a Vietnamese person in Mandarin, you may thing you're communicating, but unless he's bilingual, you are not.
But, when these 2 people sit down and talk about how they receive and give love, then they can be able to find an acceptable meeting point, to where he says more I love Yous for her satisfaction, and she can transcribe his gift bringing nature as LOVE.
So, with that being said, Troy and I were citing that we were both Quality Time people, and I added that people also love themselves in the way they show love, so QT people CHERISH their time alone, and Troy says, "Yes, I am a loner" and it probably was the most mind blowing statement of the night to Nulia (who has been very good friends with him for over 3yrs) because some of the stuff he says and does MAKES SENSE.
I also had to explain why someone who is NOT a Physical Touch person (me) gives hugs. {I adapt to the people around me who I love and a few of my friends are Physical Touch people, so I have to hug them and all that extra!}
The overall point of this tale is to make an effort to understand the people you love and how to make sure they KNOW you love them.
SO, it was 3a.m. and we (myself, Nulia and Troy) had just gotten back from 6th Street, and started randomly talking about the difference between Men and women and some of the communication roadblocks.
Of course I didn't come up with the 5 love languages, Dr Gary Chapman did, and is making a lot of money on his book on the topic.
The central idea is though that most people have their preferred manner of being shown love, The five listed include
Acts of Service,
Physical Touch,
Quality Time,
Words of Affirmation.
I personally think that it is REALLY important to know how the people you love, friends family and whatnot communicate their love because its like a real language. If a guy is a dating a girl who is a Words of Affirmation person, and he keeps buying her gifts, because that's his language, he may think he is communicating his love, but he might not be understood. It'd be like speaking to a Vietnamese person in Mandarin, you may thing you're communicating, but unless he's bilingual, you are not.
But, when these 2 people sit down and talk about how they receive and give love, then they can be able to find an acceptable meeting point, to where he says more I love Yous for her satisfaction, and she can transcribe his gift bringing nature as LOVE.
So, with that being said, Troy and I were citing that we were both Quality Time people, and I added that people also love themselves in the way they show love, so QT people CHERISH their time alone, and Troy says, "Yes, I am a loner" and it probably was the most mind blowing statement of the night to Nulia (who has been very good friends with him for over 3yrs) because some of the stuff he says and does MAKES SENSE.
I also had to explain why someone who is NOT a Physical Touch person (me) gives hugs. {I adapt to the people around me who I love and a few of my friends are Physical Touch people, so I have to hug them and all that extra!}
The overall point of this tale is to make an effort to understand the people you love and how to make sure they KNOW you love them.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Its been a minute since I updated, for which I sincerely apologize! I have been busy, while not TOO busy to update my blog, but also I haven't had much to say.
May 14, 2011 I am graduating from my beloved Sam Houston State University at 9:30a.m.
I am SO DARN excited!
LAst weekend I got to catch up with some Bearkat family at TAMU ASA #THISTIMEFORAFRICA event! It was pretty much a mix between happy and sad, because I was so happy to see everyone and be a pseudo-college student again, but then SUPER SAD because I knew it was very temporary, and after the weekend I'd be back to #LIFEOFANADULT! LOL! I MISS my roommate NANCY Iyoha like crazzzy! And really everyone else in SHSU ASA, Miss Holly, JJ, Davina, CHIMA, LIL JERRY, AHMED, VANESSA, and just the whole crew. You all make me smile!!!
What else is there to update on: Internship is going! Keeping pretty busy, learning a LOT! I feel like with my internship, I get to be in different WORLDS every day with all the different concerns people have! I think that is my favorite thing so far! And I LOVE meeting people and making friends, Even though its hard to really define someone as a friend if you've only known them for 6weeks, cuz y'all know how PEOPLE are.
Hmm with graduation comes many concerns, and a huge part of it is $$$$$$$$. I'm not necessarily sitting up WORRIED about it cuz I know God's got it all figured out, but i think about it sometimes, I have less that $700 to last me the rest of my internship, rent not included! Which is DEFINITELY accomplishable, (I bet that is not a word); BUT, Its not as though internship ends one day, the next day I have $$$ coming in! I wish it were, but, I doubt it! SO, Gotta pretty much start figuring out what I WANT to be doing, and how to do that, with no $$!
We'll see how it all turns out.
May 14, 2011 I am graduating from my beloved Sam Houston State University at 9:30a.m.
I am SO DARN excited!
LAst weekend I got to catch up with some Bearkat family at TAMU ASA #THISTIMEFORAFRICA event! It was pretty much a mix between happy and sad, because I was so happy to see everyone and be a pseudo-college student again, but then SUPER SAD because I knew it was very temporary, and after the weekend I'd be back to #LIFEOFANADULT! LOL! I MISS my roommate NANCY Iyoha like crazzzy! And really everyone else in SHSU ASA, Miss Holly, JJ, Davina, CHIMA, LIL JERRY, AHMED, VANESSA, and just the whole crew. You all make me smile!!!
What else is there to update on: Internship is going! Keeping pretty busy, learning a LOT! I feel like with my internship, I get to be in different WORLDS every day with all the different concerns people have! I think that is my favorite thing so far! And I LOVE meeting people and making friends, Even though its hard to really define someone as a friend if you've only known them for 6weeks, cuz y'all know how PEOPLE are.
Hmm with graduation comes many concerns, and a huge part of it is $$$$$$$$. I'm not necessarily sitting up WORRIED about it cuz I know God's got it all figured out, but i think about it sometimes, I have less that $700 to last me the rest of my internship, rent not included! Which is DEFINITELY accomplishable, (I bet that is not a word); BUT, Its not as though internship ends one day, the next day I have $$$ coming in! I wish it were, but, I doubt it! SO, Gotta pretty much start figuring out what I WANT to be doing, and how to do that, with no $$!
We'll see how it all turns out.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
ITS SO CRAZY how life turns out!
I went out today to get a few additional items for my work closet, and right as Im waiting for an available dressing room I see JORDAN.
I should explain who JOrdan is.
Freshman year of college, I used to hang out with Marque and Jordan, a random black guy and his random white roommate who lived in the dorm across from me.
I hadnt seen Jordan since freshman year, cuz he changed schools, and it was just SO WEIRD cuz it made me realize how many RANDOM people I know in different places in their lives. And to run into a friend from HUntsville (2008) in Austin (2011). Its also really cool having that "Hows Life going?" conversation.
LAst year about February, I was at HEB in Austin at like midnight with a friend, and I ran into JOsh, my mentor from freshman year, who also left the University.
SO I guess I have to keep my eyes open around here.
I went out today to get a few additional items for my work closet, and right as Im waiting for an available dressing room I see JORDAN.
I should explain who JOrdan is.
Freshman year of college, I used to hang out with Marque and Jordan, a random black guy and his random white roommate who lived in the dorm across from me.
I hadnt seen Jordan since freshman year, cuz he changed schools, and it was just SO WEIRD cuz it made me realize how many RANDOM people I know in different places in their lives. And to run into a friend from HUntsville (2008) in Austin (2011). Its also really cool having that "Hows Life going?" conversation.
LAst year about February, I was at HEB in Austin at like midnight with a friend, and I ran into JOsh, my mentor from freshman year, who also left the University.
SO I guess I have to keep my eyes open around here.
Monday, January 17, 2011

So, I completed my first week as an Intern in the Office of State Representative Eric Johnson in the 82nd Texas Legislature.
How was it, you may ask??????????? It was pretty much everything I hoped it would be.
Here are the silly things I am excited about!
1. Having my OWN desk! Lol, I love it. But bringing a picture might be doing the most cuz Its not that big, and I REALLY want to make sure its SUPER Organized all the time. Those who know me know, that is a challenge.
2. Dressing up! I do like being Business Professional all the time. Its probably gonna get old, but until then, I am LOVING IT. Forces me to take myself seriously, but not TOO seriously, never that.
Cant think of anything else right now. My job entails many things from checking the mail and answering the phone to helping with constituent correspondence, reading up on Bills proposed to the Legislature. a.k.a. All potential new laws for the Citizens of Texas. I will discover more as we go.
Learned so many things this week that I could have NEVER learned in a classroom or a textbook. Example:Introducing myself. I think I met and introduced myself to over 50people this week,and My name is ___________ evolved so much from AYO, to my full first name to my ful first and last name to a few variations of it. At one point I thought to myself, you are TERRIBLY inconsistent! So I finally decided I'll be Ayo Shittu. May not sound important, but IT IS, at least to me.
Another thing I learned this week was to always be thankful. As I ride the bus down Congress Avenue and begin seeing the Capitol on the Horizon, I get really thankful that the Lord saw it fit to grant me my heart's desire when I let him know I wanted to be here. So, everytime I get caught up in what could have been I am reminded to be thankful and think of where I COULD BE.
AND Goooooooo TEXAS
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Letter from God!
My daughter, My son
My cherished one, do you want supernatural strength and energy? I hope so, for it is what I have already given you and long for you to recognize. As My child, you are called to walk in the supernatural, to elevate your mind to things above and not on earthly things. You citizenship is elevated in heaven protected and secure. You are a whole new who is loved and seated with Me already. Live now as if you are already there, as unblemished brides of my Church.
My instructions for you this day are these; inhale my sweetness! Inhale the very essence of who I am. Love me with your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Keep your heart, soul, mind and strength pure and holy, that you may be kept safe. Make the sacrifice. I promise you it will be worthwhile. I know you need help, which is why I have give you my Spirit to guide you and my Word for you to hide in your heart, do not shun my grace.
I am ever present with you no matter what you may be experiencing or feeling. NO matter what you have done. I am present in all your trouble (PS 46:1) I am not bound by your emotions or situations. I am your ever adoring and loving father who delights in you every moment of your life (1 John 3:1). I enjoy your times of quiet rest. Your times of respite are very precious to ME and enable Me to speak in ways I otherwise could not. Nothing will ever separate you from my love again (Romans 8:38-39)but your choices may separate you from my wisdom. I want to show you great and marvelous things (Jeremiah 33:3). If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me (Deuteronomy 4:29).
My cherished one, do you want supernatural strength and energy? I hope so, for it is what I have already given you and long for you to recognize. As My child, you are called to walk in the supernatural, to elevate your mind to things above and not on earthly things. You citizenship is elevated in heaven protected and secure. You are a whole new who is loved and seated with Me already. Live now as if you are already there, as unblemished brides of my Church.
My instructions for you this day are these; inhale my sweetness! Inhale the very essence of who I am. Love me with your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Keep your heart, soul, mind and strength pure and holy, that you may be kept safe. Make the sacrifice. I promise you it will be worthwhile. I know you need help, which is why I have give you my Spirit to guide you and my Word for you to hide in your heart, do not shun my grace.
I am ever present with you no matter what you may be experiencing or feeling. NO matter what you have done. I am present in all your trouble (PS 46:1) I am not bound by your emotions or situations. I am your ever adoring and loving father who delights in you every moment of your life (1 John 3:1). I enjoy your times of quiet rest. Your times of respite are very precious to ME and enable Me to speak in ways I otherwise could not. Nothing will ever separate you from my love again (Romans 8:38-39)but your choices may separate you from my wisdom. I want to show you great and marvelous things (Jeremiah 33:3). If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me (Deuteronomy 4:29).
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
SO, If you read a few blogs ago, I spoke of applying for more internships because I didnt get one I wanted. I learned SO MUCH through that process, One of which being- Rejection SUCKS!
No, seriously! BUT, Now I will be working an Internship in the OFfice of a STate Rep from Dallas. NOw, without getting into strenously boring details, THis internship will be me doing the EXACT SAME THING I got rejected for, except with no $$ which is COOL, because my FATHER who provided me with this AMAZING opportunity will see me through this $170 to live off a month deal. Father, again, meaning the ONE who knew me before my parents were even born.
I just moved into my apartment in Austin, TX.
I am so eternally grateful, because i WANTED THIS SO BAD! And prayed often about it this summer, and fall semester. And God is giving me what I want in the way that BEST brings him Glory......''HE IS TIGHT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!
So, I will be keeping you all updated as I live and thrive in a NEW city, make new friends and see what the Lord has in store for me.... I CANT WAIT
No, seriously! BUT, Now I will be working an Internship in the OFfice of a STate Rep from Dallas. NOw, without getting into strenously boring details, THis internship will be me doing the EXACT SAME THING I got rejected for, except with no $$ which is COOL, because my FATHER who provided me with this AMAZING opportunity will see me through this $170 to live off a month deal. Father, again, meaning the ONE who knew me before my parents were even born.
I just moved into my apartment in Austin, TX.
I am so eternally grateful, because i WANTED THIS SO BAD! And prayed often about it this summer, and fall semester. And God is giving me what I want in the way that BEST brings him Glory......''HE IS TIGHT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!
So, I will be keeping you all updated as I live and thrive in a NEW city, make new friends and see what the Lord has in store for me.... I CANT WAIT
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