So, I completed my first week as an Intern in the Office of State Representative Eric Johnson in the 82nd Texas Legislature.
How was it, you may ask??????????? It was pretty much everything I hoped it would be.
Here are the silly things I am excited about!
1. Having my OWN desk! Lol, I love it. But bringing a picture might be doing the most cuz Its not that big, and I REALLY want to make sure its SUPER Organized all the time. Those who know me know, that is a challenge.
2. Dressing up! I do like being Business Professional all the time. Its probably gonna get old, but until then, I am LOVING IT. Forces me to take myself seriously, but not TOO seriously, never that.
Cant think of anything else right now. My job entails many things from checking the mail and answering the phone to helping with constituent correspondence, reading up on Bills proposed to the Legislature. a.k.a. All potential new laws for the Citizens of Texas. I will discover more as we go.
Learned so many things this week that I could have NEVER learned in a classroom or a textbook. Example:Introducing myself. I think I met and introduced myself to over 50people this week,and My name is ___________ evolved so much from AYO, to my full first name to my ful first and last name to a few variations of it. At one point I thought to myself, you are TERRIBLY inconsistent! So I finally decided I'll be Ayo Shittu. May not sound important, but IT IS, at least to me.
Another thing I learned this week was to always be thankful. As I ride the bus down Congress Avenue and begin seeing the Capitol on the Horizon, I get really thankful that the Lord saw it fit to grant me my heart's desire when I let him know I wanted to be here. So, everytime I get caught up in what could have been I am reminded to be thankful and think of where I COULD BE.
AND Goooooooo TEXAS
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